
Industry best practice: The strength of “weak signals”

8 October 2014:

The McKinsey authors argue that weak signals are snippets of information about customers and industry trends which can be found in digital information, particularly on social media channels.

The three best practice tips, supported by case studies …


Research news: An innovation-focused scenario process

3 June 2013:

A recent project from Von der Gracht & Stillings (2013) highlights the significance of innovation for sustainable performance of organisations in order to create long-term competitiveness.

The authors introduce the concept of “dynaxity” (the linkage of dynamism …


Foresight as dialogue (challenges and observations)

9 May 2013:

A recent article from the president of the World Future Society (Mack 2013) describes the challenges of foresight, including data management, scenario building, qualitative data/methods and weak signals management:

1: Discovering the meaning and gaining insight from